Today we are going to be learning the names and locations of the world's oceans. Oceans are much bigger than seas. and they can be found in between the continents. There are five oceans on planet Earth called:
The Pacific Ocean
The Atlantic Ocean
The Indian Ocean
The Southern Ocean
The Arctic Ocean
Here's the link to the Oceans song - hopefully it will help you remember their names :) -
When you have listened to the song and watched the video, have a go at labelling the oceans of the world. You could print this out if you have access to a printer, you could make your own world map on a piece of paper, you could edit the picture and draw straight on top of it, you could even stick post it notes on the screen of your iPad! It's up to you!
After that there is a mini quiz for you to have a go at. It's more of a fact file about each ocean but play along at home anyway :)
