Good morning everyone! To keep things as normal as possible for your little people at home we will be posting a daily Phonics session on here at 9am. Remember, these are suggested activities and timings, we fully appreciate your home learning timetable may look very different. If you have any questions about the day's phonics, please feel free to comment below or if you'd like a private response please feel free to send us and email :)
Video 1 - When the children come into school from 8:30am they get their sound mat (we put a paper copy in your child's bookbag yesterday), whiteboard, pen and rubber (we provided you with a red book and pencil to use instead) out of their tray and they start the day by practising segmenting the sounds in the words which match the pictures - you could challenge your child by asking them to put that word into a short sentence or think of more of their own words with the 'oa' sound in.
Video 2 - Next we practise our handwriting. Today is the letter 'Tt'. Watch the video and then practise the uppercase and lowercase letter 'Tt' in your red books - it was very tricky for me on my laptop mouse pad!
Video 3 - Then the teacher will point to the letters on the letter wall and the children all say the sound that letter or group of letters make. See if you can show mums and dads all the sounds! Don't forget to use the video of the little girl modelling the correct pronunciation of all the sounds in case you are unsure of any:
Photos 4, 5, 6 & 7 are of this weeks sounds - Can you remember them all? Can you think of a word with them in?
Photo 8 - Tricky Words Wall - Can you read this week's tricky words? Can you put them in a sentence?
You can play Phonics games such as Tricky Word Trucks on: log on using the username: march20 and password: home
Phonics Warm Up


The Letter Wall

The Letter Wall
This Week's Sounds