Time for something a little different... I know everyone is getting a little bit bored of being at home and are missing their friends and (hopefully) their teachers in school :P So, I thought it would be nice for us all to do something each day this week that's good for our hearts and minds and away from all of the school work. You might want to do this activity at the end of the day's learning jobs as a treat, or at the start to kick off the day with a smile. Maybe, if you're having a bad day.. you focus on just this activity because we all know, if you're not in the right mood, good quality learning is probably not going to happen!
So, for today, I would like you to whack on some music, nice and loud, and show us your best dance moves! Upload videos of you dancing to Tapestry and if we get enough responses, I might even bust some moves myself & show you! I'd love to share some of these with everyone, so look out for a comment asking for your permission!