I know how much everyone has been enjoying the 'Draw with Rob' art lessons - some of you have even bought his book! We have run out of space themed pictures that Rob has done for us to copy but there are lots of other drawings he has done for us to have a go at!
You can either choose whichever one of Rob's drawings you would like to do today yourself at: (4 & 19 both look quite a lot like aliens if you want to stick with the space theme)..
..or... you can do the same one that we are going to do at school. Luckily Rob numbers all of his drawings so we are going to do a lucky dip to see which one we're drawing today. Watch the video to see which one it will be today!
For any of you (parents) that are on Twitter - if you wanted to upload a photo of your child's work and hashtag it #drawwithrob he sometimes sees them and gives you a shout out!