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Infant School

Play together, learn together, grow together

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Infant School

Play together, learn together, grow together

Home Learning wb:30.3.2020


Please find attached the work that has been set for this week. We have decided to base work around a specific book title with lots of exciting cross curricular subject links for you and your child to work together on. Please remember that these are just ideas and you don't need to complete all the outlined tasks. Whilst the sun is shining, if you are able to, why not try one of our outdoor learning activities? Please find links on our Facebook page and also reference the Year 2 passport PDF above.We are really enjoying seeing posts and pictures of what the children have been to. Thank you. Mrs Liguori has uploaded links to the whiterose maths website above to help you support your child in maths. You will find a series of lessons for each year group alongside short video clips which explain concepts and demonstrate how to complete the activity. They are very useful! Please also remember to make use of spelling shed and to email your teacher if you are unsure of your child's details. Phonics play are also allowing parents to use the site for free to teach and consolidate phonics, it would be beneficial if the children could play Phase 5 games and activities to help reinforce previous learning. We will look forward to hearing about your week and please remember to get in contact with your child's class teacher if you have any questions.
Thank you.
The Year Two Team

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