Wednesday 6th
Good Morning,
Here is your phonics for today! The children will amaze you with what they already know.
Please watch the videos in order.
In the first session we warm up our mouths using Big Mouth. The children do this everyday and are aware of it.
In the second video we will recap our sounds that we have learnt already.
In the next video there are some clues to our new sound of the day. Can you guess what this sound might be?
I wonder if you can carry out the 'I spy' game using sounds we have learnt so far. There are 3 sheets to have a look at. Pick one, or look at them all if you are up for a challenge. Don't worry you do not need to print the sheets you can sound out the word and find the picture on your screen.
Hope you have fun! See if you can find anything in your play today that has the 'oa' sound in it :)