Monday 11th
Good Morning,
Let's start todays maths with a song. Can you sing 10 in the bed?
There's a link here if you would rather sing and watch Ten in the Bed - Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs - YouTube
Then please watch the warm up video and try to guess the shapes.
We are learning more about the number 4 this week and how 4 is made. Please watch numberblocks number 4.
BBC iPlayer - Numberblocks - Series 1: Four
You could ask these questions about the number 4, What shape could number 4 be? Can 3 be that shape? why/why not? Are there any other numbers that could be a square? what does a square have to have?
Next please watch the video where we learn rules for counting.
Activity - Can you be a detective and see if you can find 4 of anything or any squares?
Shape warm up.wmv
