Today we are going to be writing a second and third page of our non-fiction or fact book about Space (but you could always do some over the weekend if you need something to to). If you've already done some inside your mini information book, that's fine. You can either add to it if you have room, you could just do this particular page in your big exercise book from school OR you could make another mini space fact book!
I think I still prefer the star song but here are the Story Bots singing, 'Time To Shine' (about the Moon): https://youtu.be/i235Y2HRksA
And here are the Story Bots singing, 'I'm So Hot' (about the Sun): https://youtu.be/t-kzdR93bqw
You will need to listen to these songs a few times or do lots of pausing because they sing quite fast but there are so many cool facts about the Moon and the sun. Choose as many of these facts as you would like and remember them because we are going to write them on a page in your book. Remember, your book is only mini so you might only fit a couple of facts in.
Enjoy writing the pages in your non-fiction book - try and remember all their features!


