Home Learning Spring 2021
Please remember to get some physical exercise and if possible, outside activity daily. There are some ideas on the useful links PDF if you would like them. The links to dough disco activities, which really help with handwriting, are also on there. Our little ones also need plenty of free play to develop key skills and imagination. This is so important.
Please see the example timetable should you feel it would be useful.
9am - Phonics
9.30 - Free play/topic
10.20 - Snack
10.30 - Dough/disco
10.45 - Free play/topic
11.40 - Handwriting
12.00 - Lunch
1.00 - Maths
1.30 - Joe Wicks/Cosmic kids/Go Noodle or other exercise
2.00 - Free play/topic
2.50 - storytime