Hi Year 1 🖐
Today in math's we are looking at the 'more than', 'less than' and 'equals to' signs. Can you remember these from yesterday?🐊
To start with here is a fun song to listen and join in with:
Have a look at the whizzy words. Do you know what they all mean?
Next can you remember what the symbols for 'more than', 'less than' and 'equals' to looks like? did you get them right?
Now try adding the right one to answer the questions on the next slide. Be careful to check each one carefully.
I need your help on the following slide. I have made a mistake, can you help me find it? What have I done wrong? which one did I need?
To finish todays maths why not have a go at this game. All you need is a partner and the 'less than', 'more than' and 'equals to' signs. Start with your fists closed and on the count of 3 show some fingers. Now decide with sign you need. Is your number more than your partners? is it less than your partners? or is it equals to your partners?
And repeat. Have fun!