Today in Phonics we are starting to learn Phase 5 sounds - I uploaded a post a little while ago called Phonics: Phase 5 Sounds.. if you would like to see the upcoming sounds and secret passwords for the door in the morning!
Today we would like you to work through the photographs and videos. Don't forget to use your sound mats to help you...
1. Warm up your Phonics brain and think back to when we learnt the 'ow' sound. Can you segment the sounds in the three words (see the pictures) and write them in your red books.
2. Practise writing the date in your red books - paying particular attention to the spelling of the day of the week.
3. Talk about the date. Ask questions like, "How many days left in October?" "How long until Halloween?" etc. Talk about what activities you are going to do today and what the weather is like.
4. Draw the correct weather symbol next to the date for this morning's weather.
5. Practise your handwriting in your book - today it is letter Z z.
6. Practise all of the sounds on the letter wall up to 'er' - you can choose which ones to practise today.
7. The sound of the day is 'ay'. It is the alternative spelling for 'ai' which the children have already learnt. 'ay' usually goes at the end of a word whilst 'ai' usually goes in the middle of a word!
8. Did you get any of the same words as me? Don't forget to use you 'robot' arms to help blend the sounds with me.
9. Can you write the 'alien word' (it is a made up word) but can still be read by blending the sounds together. Don't forget to put sound buttons on!
10. Can you play the read and sort game.. you could draw the columns and write them in your books.. but normally at school this would be a reading activity.
11. Play 'Picnic on Pluto' on (log in using Username: march20 Password: home - click resources at the top and its the third game on the top row. Click 'start', then 'phase 5', then click 'ay' on the first line of all the phase 5 sounds. The children will know what to do from here!)
12. Finally can you practise the three easy peasy tricky words - we start back at the beginning now we're in Phase 5 and do 3 a day to whizz through them all again to make sure we know them.