Forest School
The other week in English we wrote our fact files about things we find in space. One of those things are stars! Now, even though stars in real life are made of burning balls of gas when we think of stars we often think of a 5 point star a bit like you see in cartoons. This week in forest school we are going to make a star decoration that you might want to hang in your garden or maybe in your window for people to see outside.
If you don't have any string, wool or cotton, you could just lay your sticks on top of each other on the ground - tying the knots is a bit tricky, so you might need a bit of help - rubber bands are a good work around!
Instructions (see photos)...
1. Get 5 sticks (the same size and a little bit bendy if possible).
2. Get two twigs and tie them together so that one thick end is connected to one thin end. Attach them so that the right twig is on top of the left twig. Pull the twigs apart to make an upside down V shape.
3. Add the next twig on the top of the first two. Each new twig you attach should be placed on top of the last one.
4. Weave the fourth twig through the first two twigs then tie/attach.
5.Add the last twig, weave first and then tie/attach. Remember, thick end to thin.