Wellbeing week
Dear Parents and Carers,
This week is Children's Mental Health Week and this year's theme is "Express Yourself"
Click on the link to find out more, there are assemblies and resources you can use at home.
Children's Mental Health Week 2021
The assembly will be available to all schools and families at 9am on Monday 1 February – and will feature pupils and well-known faces discussing the theme of Children’s Mental Health Week, as well as ways that children and young people can get involved at home. It will be hosted by Blue Peter’s Lindsey Russell and CBBC Presenter and Place2Be Champion Rhys Stephenson.
I know you will have Zoom chats during this time but I am hoping you can log on later to watch the assemblies later.
Take care and Stay safe.
The YIS Team
As it is wellbeing week this week, we thought we would add in something everyday that's good for our hearts and minds away from school work and screens.
You might want to do this activity at the end of the day's learning jobs as a treat, at lunchtime when you need a break, or at the start to kick off the day with a smile. Maybe, if you're having one of those days, you just focus on just this activity because we all know, if you're not in the right mood, good quality learning is probably not going to happen!
Today, we would like you to put on your favourite music or go noodle nice and loud, and show us your best dance moves! Upload videos of you dancing to Tapestry - we would love to see!
We'll add a new activity to this thread every day :)
Tuesday -
Today we would like you to make a happy handprint - draw round your hand and fill it with things that make you happy - these can be pictures or words.
Mrs Harding's Hand
We would like you to take part in the RSPB's Big Garden Birdwatch. Officially it was last weekend but we can do our own unofficial mini bird watch - it's very relaxing! Just look out of your window and see what you see - you don't even have to have a garden! We have included a bird ID sheet which doubles up as a way to count how many you see.
You can find more information here too....
Have fun.
We would like you to sing us your favourite song - we know you might be a bit shy sto film it for us so don't worry if you just want to sing it on your own that is ok. Get as many people in your family involved as possible! If you want to film it for us to see on tapestry, we would love to see.
Today we would like you to build a den indoors or outside - this can be as simple as putting a towel or bedsheet over a table or a couple of chairs. You might want to do your other school jobs in the den or just read a story in there! Share a picture of your den with us.
At some point today (Friday) you might get a knock on your door with a socially distanced (of course) grown up from school outside! They’ve come to drop off a special surprise on your door step.
We asked Mr Johnson to explain one of the things in your bag, the rest will remain a secret! Inside your goodie bag you will find a small wooden tag. All you have to do is write your name on one side - first name and the initial letter of your surname. E.g. ‘Sam S.’ for Sam Smith. And on the other side, decorate it with a nice picture of anything you like or a pattern. 🖍 Pencil crayons or biro type pens work best.. felt tips just bleed into the wood unfortunately!
When it’s finished, pop it back in the envelope provided and post it in the letter box on the front of the school gate.
Thank you and enjoy your wellbeing bag! :)