Use the letter wall to choose any sounds you want to practise then have a go at my game of hide and find. Can I catch you out?
What do you think our new sound is today? Have a look at the pictures for clues. The sound is ir. You may want to have a go at writing the words to match the pictures.
Have a go at using the sound buttons to read the words. Try really hard with the alien word! It has no sound buttons and wants to try and trick you. You can write the word and add your own sound buttons if that will help.
Play draw it! Either choose the sheet with the words or the one with the sentences. Read it first and then have a go at drawing a picture to match. (If you are unable to download the pdfs on here, please have a go on the website. You can also write the word/sentence yourself on a plain piece of paper for your child to draw underneath.)