Choose any sounds you want to practise on the letter wall and then have a go at my game of hide and find!
I wonder what our new sound is for the day? Look at the pictures for clues! ue. This is a tricky one as it can make two slightly different sounds. Say the word blue and then say the word statue - they are the same digraph but sometimes it sounds like 'oo' and sometimes it sounds like there is a 'y' on the front like 'yoo'. See if you can practise saying the words when I do on the video.
Have a go at reading the real and alien words. Can you work out the sound the ue is making in that word? It is tricky and we have to think really hard about it too!
Now time to write the words or a sentence. Read the words or sentence aloud to your child and see if they can write it. Read the whole sentence first and then break it up slowly for them if they need, or just repeat the sentence again.
Words: look, fish
Sentence: Yasmin sits on a rock and looks for fish.
Words: farmer, morning
Sentence: The farmer gets up at six in the morning.
Thursday video.mp4
